
From time to time we will revisit our purpose, vision, and values to reflect on what we have learned.  With this reflection we might decide to change this page and what we have defined.  If you have ideas on what this site should strive to be please get involved and let us know what you are thinking and feeling.


Our purpose is to change the system for each child, parent, and their family’s are treated equally and fairly and to provide the resources to help individuals fight for what is right.  We strive to obtain equal rights for parents, equal parenting time for children, stop the extortion of one parent’s hard earned money through sound research and true stories from the system we all suffer from.


Our vision is to one day have a system that treats every family member equally and fairly.  This means children have equal parenting time, parents are held accountable, but treated fairly.  This means laws must change and the system must change.  Our job will not be done until this vision is reflected in the family laws across America.


Honest research
Honest experiences
Fair treatment

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